4 Wheeling Australia Creator’s Stage

In today’s digital world, Content Creators are appearing as some of the most powerful influencers within all industries – including the outdoor lifestyle industry. Ask anyone with a smart phone who they follow on social media and the same names are popping up. Audiences are tuning in to other people’s adventures, their lifestyles, sharing their stories, following their travels, and generally getting their entertainment, information and entertainment from popular social influencers.

In 2019, the 4WD and Adventure Shows in Sydney, Adelaide and Perth will present the 4 Wheeling Australia Creator’s Stage in conjunction with Ronny Dahl.

The stage will feature some of the most popular Content Creators in the fields of 4WDriving, Camping, Caravanning, Boating and Fishing, who will speak on stage and present heir stories to the 4WD and Adventure Show audiences. The 4 Wheeling Australia Content Creator’s Stage is something that has never been done at en outdoor leisure event in, and will be a massive drawcard of the Sydney, Adelaide and Perth 4WD and Adventure Shows.

This is a chance for Show visitors to meet some of the people they follow on Instagram and Youtube, have a chat, check out their vehicles and basically just hang out with them for the day!

he Stage will feature the following Content Creator’s and Social Media influencers:

  • Ronny Dahl and crew! (4 Wheeling Australia)
  • Alex Garner (Intent Offroad)
  • Danie Simpson
  • Jon Riley (the Campfire Chef)
  • Boenardi Langford
  • Andrew Pierre White (4x Overland)
  • Matthew Baker
  • Graham Cahill (EcoMuse Photography)
  • Nick (Side Tracked Australia)
  • Sam Eyles (Built Not Bought)
  • Salty Davenport
  • Harry Fisher (Fire to Fork)
  • Josh Pfeiffer (79 Series)
  • Musa Hodzic
  • Dan (Red Dirt Diary)
  • Black Night Offroad
  • Rob & Tracy (the Blonde Nomads)

Follow the 4WD and Adventure shows on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube for updates!